The Top 5 Chatbot Names 50+ Cute, Funny, Catchy, AI Bot Names by Adarsh kommunicate Medium

 In Artificial intelligence

5 Best Ways to Name Your Chatbot 100+ Cute, Funny, Catchy, AI Bot Names

names for ai bots

Adding a catchy and engaging welcome message with an uncommon name will definitely keep your visitors engaged. Industries like finance, healthcare, legal, or B2B services should project a dependable image that instills confidence, and the following names work best for this. So far in the blog, most of the names you read strike out in an appealing way to capture the attention of young audiences.

A stand-out bot name also makes it easier for your customers to find your chatbot whenever they have questions to ask. By naming your bot, you’re helping your customers feel more at ease while conversing with a responsive chatbot that has a quirky, intriguing, or simply, a human name. Sentiment analysis technology in a chatbot will help bots understand human emotions and empathize with customers. Siri is a chatbot with AI technology that will efficiently answer customer questions. You can also name the chatbot with human names and add ‘bot’ to determine the functionalities.

Check domain registries if you plan to have a dedicated webpage for your chatbot. A relevant and thoughtful name can indeed make your chatbot the hero of your narrative. Clover is a very responsible and caring person, making her a great support agent as well as a great friend. What do people imaging when they think about finance or law firm? In order to stand out from competitors and display your choice of technology, you could play around with interesting names. For example GSM Server created Basky Bot, with a short name from “Basket”.

Our BotsCrew chatbot expert will provide a free consultation on chatbot personality to help you achieve conversational excellence. It’s a common thing to name a chatbot “Digital Assistant”, “Bot”, and “Help”. Take a look at your customer segments and figure out which will potentially interact with a chatbot. Based on the Buyer Persona, you can shape a chatbot personality (and name) that is more likely to find a connection with your target market.

For example, Function of Beauty named their bot Clover with an open and kind-hearted personality. You can see the personality drop down in the “bonus” section below. Customers may be kind and even conversational with a bot, but they’ll get annoyed and leave if they are misled into thinking that they’re chatting with a person. However, naming it without keeping your ICP in mind can be counter-productive. Do you remember the struggle of finding the right name or designing the logo for your business? It’s about to happen again, but this time, you can use what your company already has to help you out.

A catchy chatbot name will also help you determine the chatbot’s personality and increase the visibility of your brand. A chatbot with a human name will highlight the bot’s personality. Recent research implies that chatbots generate 35% to 40% response rates. Chatbots are all the rage these days, and for good reasons only. They can do a whole host of tasks in a few clicks, such as engaging with customers, guiding prospects, giving quick replies, building brands, and so on. The kind of value they bring, it’s natural for you to give them cool, cute, and creative names.

  • But choosing the right name can be challenging, considering the vast number of options available.
  • Tech-inspired names are undeniably cool but don’t forget to factor in your end-users’ tech-savviness, so they can relate to and appreciate your chatbot’s innovative name.
  • It needed to be both easy to say and difficult to confuse with other words.
  • Building your chatbot need not be the most difficult step in your chatbot journey.
  • A chatbot name will give your bot a level of humanization necessary for users to interact with it.

By the way, this chatbot did manage to sell out all the California offers in the least popular month. As you can see, the second one lacks a name and just sounds suspicious. By simply having a name, a bot becomes a little human (pun intended), and that works well with most people. This will improve consumer happiness and the experience they have with your online store. If you sell dog accessories, for instance, you can name your bot something like ‘Sgt Pupper’ or ‘Woofer’. However, it will be very frustrating when people have trouble pronouncing it.

Your chatbot’s alias should align with your unique digital identity. Whether playful, professional, or somewhere in between,  the name should truly reflect your brand’s essence. When customers first interact with your chatbot, they form an impression of your brand. Depending on your brand voice, it also sets a tone that might vary between friendly, formal, or humorous.

Your chatbot name may be based on traits like Friendly/Creative to spark the adventure spirit. It’s a great way to re-imagine the booking routine for travelers. Choosing the name will leave users with a feeling they actually came to the right place.

Never Leave Your Customer Without an Answer

For travel, a name like PacificBot can make the bot recognizable and creative for users. Creating the right name for your chatbot can help you build brand awareness names for ai bots and enhance your customer experience. Use chatbots to your advantage by giving them names that establish the spirit of your customer satisfaction strategy.

Below is a list of some super cool bot names that we have come up with. If you are looking to name your chatbot, this little list may come in quite handy. As popular as chatbots are, we’re sure that most of you, if not all, must have interacted with a chatbot at one point or the other. And if you did, you must have noticed that these chatbots have unique, sometimes quirky names.

Giving your chatbot a name will allow the user to feel connected to it, which in turn will encourage the website or app users to inquire more about your business. Remember, the key is to communicate the purpose of your bot without losing sight of the underlying brand personality. When leveraging a chatbot for brand communications, it is important to remember that your chatbot name ideally should reflect your brand’s identity. On the other hand, when building a chatbot for a beauty platform such as Sephora, your target customers are those who relate to fashion, makeup, beauty, etc.

Humans are becoming comfortable building relationships with chatbots. Maybe even more comfortable than with other humans—after all, we know the bot is just there to help. Many people talk to their robot vacuum cleaners and use Siri or Alexa as often as they use other tools. Some even ask their bots existential questions, interfere with their programming, or consider them a “safe” friend.

For instance, a number of healthcare practices use chatbots to disseminate information about key health concerns such as cancers. In such cases, it makes sense to go for a simple, short, and somber name. Giving your bot a name enables your customers to feel more at ease with using it. Technical terms such as customer support assistant, virtual assistant, etc., sound quite mechanical and unrelatable.

You can also opt for a gender-neutral name, which may be ideal for your business. A chatbot name will give your bot a level of humanization necessary for users to interact with it. If you go into the supermarket and see the self-checkout line empty, it’s because people prefer human interaction. Build AI chatbots without code, generate more leads, and improve customer experience.

Ideally, your chatbot’s name should not be more than two words, if that. Steer clear of trying to add taglines, brand mottos, etc. ,in an effort to promote your brand. If we’ve piqued your interest, give this article a spin and discover why your chatbot needs a name. Oh, and we’ve also gone ahead and put together a list of some uber cool chatbot/ virtual assistant names just in case.

How to Name a Chatbot

When you are planning to name your chatbot creatively, you should look into various factors. Business objectives play a vital role in naming chatbots and online business owners should decide the role of chatbots in a website. For instance, if you have an eCommerce store, your chatbot should act as a sales representative. If you feel confused about choosing a human or robotic name for a chatbot, you should first determine the chatbot’s objectives. If your chatbot is going to act like a store representative in the online store, then choosing a human name is the best idea.

You can also look into some chatbot examples to get more clarity on the matter. A chatbot may be the one instance where you get to choose someone else’s personality. Create a personality with a choice of language (casual, formal, colloquial), level of empathy, humor, and more. Once you’ve figured out “who” your chatbot is, you have to find a name that fits its personality. An innovative chatbot name can not only pique the interest of your users but also mark an impression on their minds, enhancing brand recall. Choosing a unique chatbot name protects you legally and helps your chatbot stand out in a market that’s increasingly populated with bots.

This does not mean bots with robotic or symbolic names won’t get the job done. When it comes to naming a bot, you basically have three categories of choices — you can go with a human-sounding name, or choose a robotic name, or prefer a symbolic name. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Similarly, you also need to be sure whether the bot would work as a conversational virtual assistant or automate routine processes.

Well, for two reasons – first, such bots are likable; and second, they feel simple and comfortable. Plus, whatever name for bot your choose, it has to be credible so that customers can relate to that. Once the function of the bot is outlined, you can go ahead with the naming process.

And if your chatbot has a unique personality, it will feel more engaging and pleasant to talk to. A well-named chatbot is not just an AI, and it’s a virtual entity with a promising identity that can provide value to users while representing your brand aptly. Industry-specific chatbot names can showcase your business’s deep knowledge and dedicated service. To make the most of your chatbot, keep things transparent and make it easy for your website or app users to reach customer support or sales reps when they feel the need. While naming your chatbot, try to keep it as simple as you can. You need to respect the fine line between unique and difficult, quirky and obvious.

names for ai bots

The chatbot naming process is not a challenging one, but, you should understand your business objectives to enhance a chatbot’s role. Have you ever felt like you were talking to a human agent while conversing with a chatbot? Innovative chatbot names will captivate website visitors and enhance the sales conversation. So, if you don’t want your bot to feel boring or forgettable, think of personalizing it. This is how customer service chatbots stand out among the crowd and become memorable. As you present a digital assistant, human names are a great choice that give you a lot of freedom for personality traits.


To reduce that resistance, one key thing you can do is give your website chatbot a really cool name. At Kommunicate, we are envisioning a world-beating customer support solution to empower the new era of customer support. We would love to have you onboard to have a first-hand experience of Kommunicate. You can signup here and start delighting your customers right away.

When choosing a name for your chatbot, you have two options – gendered or neutral. Setting up the chatbot name is relatively easy when you use industry-leading software like ProProfs Chat. There are a few things that you need to consider when choosing the right chatbot name for your business platforms. Be creative with descriptive or smart names but keep it simple and relevant to your brand.

A chatbot should have a good script to develop the conversation with customers. Online business owners should also make sure that a chatbot’s name should not confuse their customers. If you can relate a chatbot name to a business objective, that is also an effective idea. Mr. Singh also has a passion for subjects that excite new-age customers, be it social media engagement, artificial intelligence, machine learning. He takes great pride in his learning-filled journey of adding value to the industry through consistent research, analysis, and sharing of customer-driven ideas. Whatever option you choose, you need to remember one thing – most people prefer bots with human names.

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Amazon Is Selling Products With AI-Generated Names Like “I Cannot Fulfill This Request It Goes Against OpenAI Use ….

Posted: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Sometimes a rose by any other name does not smell as sweet—particularly when it comes to your company’s chatbot. Learn how to choose a creative and effective company bot name. Real estate and education are two sectors where chatbots lend a hand in decisions that shape users’ lives. Which of these paths would you Chat PG embark on for your chatbot naming process? You could lean towards innovation, sway towards playfulness, or embrace the technological roots. Tech-inspired names are undeniably cool but don’t forget to factor in your end-users’ tech-savviness, so they can relate to and appreciate your chatbot’s innovative name.

Using cool bot names will significantly impact chatbot engagement rates, especially if your business has a young or trend-focused audience base. Industries like fashion, beauty, music, gaming, and technology require names that add a modern touch to customer engagement. White Castle’s Julia, which simply facilitates the purchase of hamburgers and fries, is no one’s idea of a sentient bot. Chatbots should captivate your target audience, and not distract them from your goals. We are now going to look into the seven innovative chatbot names that will suit your online business.

It’s important to name your bot to make it more personal and encourage visitors to click on the chat. A name can instantly make the chatbot more approachable and more human. This, in turn, can help to create a bond between your visitor and the chatbot. Also, avoid making your company’s chatbot name so unique that no one has ever heard of it.

This will help you decide if the name should be fun, professional, or even wacky. The names can either relate to the latest trend or should sound new and innovative to your website visitors. For instance, if your chatbot relates to the science and technology field, you can name it Newton bot or Electron bot. Now that you have a chatbot for customer assistance on your website, you must note that they still cannot replace human agents. As a writer and analyst, he pours the heart out on a blog that is informative, detailed, and often digs deep into the heart of customer psychology.

Soliciting and acting upon feedback might sound like a cumbersome process and a detour from your launch timeline. While there’s no strict right or wrong, your decision can significantly shape the user’s interaction with the bot. It is always good to break the ice with your customers so maybe keep it light and hearty. This will demonstrate the transparency of your business and avoid inadvertent customer deception.

Think about it, we name everything from babies to mountains and even our cars! Giving your bot a name will create a connection between the chatbot and the customer during the one-on-one conversation. You have the perfect chatbot name, but do you have the right ecommerce chatbot solution? The best ecommerce chatbots reduce support costs, resolve complaints and offer 24/7 support to your customers. Chatbots can also be industry-specific, which helps users identify what the chatbot offers. You can use some examples below as inspiration for your bot’s name.

You’ll need to decide what gender your bot will be before assigning it a personal name. This will depend on your brand and the type of products or services you’re selling, and your target audience. While your bot may not be a human being behind the scenes, by giving it a name your customers are more likely to bond with your chatbot.

However, if the bot has a catchy or unique name, it will make your customer service team feel more friendly and easily approachable. With an understanding of the importance of chatbot nomenclature and practical steps to name your bot, we’ve paved the groundwork for your chatbot naming process. Based on that, consider what type of human role your bot is simulating to find a name that fits and shape a personality around it. Do you need a customer service chatbot or a marketing chatbot? Once you determine the purpose of the bot, it’s going to be much easier to visualize the name for it. So, you’ll need a trustworthy name for a banking chatbot to encourage customers to chat with your company.

Ochatbot, Botsify, Drift, and Tidio are some of the best chatbots for your e-commerce stores. Imagine landing on a website and seeing a chatbot popping up with your favorite fictional character’s name. Fictional characters’ names are also a few of the effective ways to provide an intriguing name for your chatbot. When you are implementing your chatbot on the technical website, you can choose a tech name for your chatbot to highlight your business.

Join us at Relate to hear our five big bets on what the customer experience will look like by 2030. You want your bot to be representative of your organization, but also sensitive to the needs of your customers. We all know Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Watson, but did you know that giving AI / bot software a human name is a growing trend? Testing your chatbot’s name can offer a bird-eye view of its acceptance and effectiveness. However, the fresh perspectives it attracts enhances the overall quality and acceptance of your chatbot name.

But, you’ll notice that there are some features missing, such as the inability to segment users and no A/B testing. Even if a chatbot is only a smart computer programme, giving it a name has significant benefits. Our list below is curated for tech-savvy and style-conscious customers. To truly understand your audience, it’s important to go beyond superficial demographic information.

  • Or, you can also go through the different tabs and look through hundreds of different options to decide on your perfect one.
  • Choosing a unique chatbot name protects you legally and helps your chatbot stand out in a market that’s increasingly populated with bots.
  • As common as chatbots are, we’re confident that most, if not all, of you have interacted with one at some time.
  • Remember, the name of your chatbot should be a clear indicator of its primary function so users know exactly what to expect from the interaction.
  • Giving your chatbot a name will allow the user to feel connected to it, which in turn will encourage the website or app users to inquire more about your business.

A real name will create an image of an actual digital assistant and help users engage with it easier. Just like with the catchy and creative names, a cool bot name encourages the user to click on the chat. It also starts the conversation with positive associations of your brand. Your natural language bot can represent that your company is a cool place to do business with.

names for ai bots

And if you did, you must have noticed that the names of these chatbots are distinctive and occasionally odd. If you want your chatbot to have humor and create a light-hearted atmosphere to calm angry customers, try witty or humorous names. Most likely, the first one since a name instantly humanizes the interaction and brings a sense of comfort. The second option doesn’t promote a natural conversation, and you might be less comfortable talking to a nameless robot to solve your problems.

In fact, one of the brand communications channels with the greatest growth is chatbots. Over the past few years, chatbots’ market size has grown by 92%. If the COVID-19 epidemic has taught us anything over the past two years, it is that chatbots are an essential communication tool for companies in all sectors. He enjoys writing about emerging customer support products, trends in the customer support industry, and the financial impacts of using such tools. In his spare time, Jason likes traveling extensively to learn about new cultures and traditions.

First, a bot represents your business, and second, naming things creates an emotional connection. Ex-Google Technical Product guy specialising in generative AI (NLP, chatbots, audio, etc). Feedback offers perspectives you might have overlooked during your naming process and provides a much-needed sanity check. But now, equipped with pointers on what to steer clear from and how to do so, you are securing your path to an efficiently named chatbot.

names for ai bots

To establish a stronger connection with this audience, you might consider using names inspired by popular movies, songs, or comic books that resonate with them. This demonstrates the widespread popularity of chatbots as an effective means of customer engagement. Today’s customers want to feel special and connected to your brand. A catchy chatbot name is a great way to grab their attention and make them curious. But choosing the right name can be challenging, considering the vast number of options available.

Even if your chatbot is meant for expert industries like finance or healthcare, you can play around with different moods. Conversations need personalities, and when you’re building one for your bot, try to find a name that will show it off at the start. For example, Lillian and Lilly demonstrate different tones of conversation. The customer service automation needs to match your brand image. If your company focuses on, for example, baby products, then you’ll need a cute name for it.

But, if your business prioritizes factors like trust, reliability, and credibility, then opt for conventional names. A chatbot serves as the initial point of contact for your website visitors. It can be used to offer round-the-clock assistance or irresistible discounts to reduce cart abandonment.

Fun, professional, catchy names and the right messaging can help.

While a lot of companies choose to name their bot after their brand, it often pays to get more creative. Your chatbot represents your brand and is often the first “person” to meet your customers online. By giving it a unique name, you’re creating a team member that’s memorable while captivating your customer’s attention. Artificial intelligence-powered chatbots are outpacing the assistance of human agents in immediate response to customers’ questions. AI and machine learning technologies will help your bot sound like a human agent and eliminate repetitive and mechanical responses.

Another method of choosing a chatbot name is finding a relation between the name of your chatbot and business objectives. Selling is easy when people show interest in your products or services. It also explains the need to customize the bot in a way that aptly reflects your brand. It would be a mistake if your bot got a name entirely unrelated to your industry or your business type. After all, the more your bot carries your branding ethos, the more it will engage with customers. There is however a big problem – most AI bots sound less human and more robotic, which often mars the fun of conversations.

Building your chatbot need not be the most difficult step in your chatbot journey. When you first start out, naming your chatbot might also be challenging. On the other hand, you may quickly come up with intriguing bot names with a little imagination and thinking.

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